Friday, August 22, 2008


There hasn't been much to report lately. Blame it on the weather. Lucy's birthday was pretty low key mainly because the parents were absent again. Here's a pic of our Lake Hanaia on the day of the birthday. Lucy had a better time at her second family's place the next evening, where Tina made her some of the Armstong's famous fudge. Last week I caught up with Paul & granddaughter Becca from US. Nice to catch up with him after so long, & also to meet Donna's lovely daughter.
Last Saturday all of the Kiwi based group from this year's trip to Greece were able to come to our place for lunch & a catch up. So many photos! There wasn't enough time to to look at them all in depth, but afterwards I felt like I could do the trip again. I could kick myself that I forgot to take a pic of the gang while they were here. Here is one of them on their way in May.This week we've had a good spell of dry weather, but wouldn't you know it, it's going to be another wet weekend. I ventured down to the bog area a couple of days ago & got this pic of our creek. Then the same day I noticed the Plum tree blossoming.Spring is around the corner. Check out the Picasa link on the right for more pics.

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