Saturday, September 6, 2008

Picasa 3 New Feature

I downloaded the latest version of Picasa a couple of days ago, & today I tried the new feature that appealed to me - uploading photos to Picasaweb via email. This was the first one I found in my email programme. Lucy & her catch early January this year. She's certainly had a growth spurt since then. This feature is designed to facilitate uploading from mobile phones & other such devices, so I'll give it a go with my phone when I've set up my email function in it. Where's Sam when we need him!! If you click on the pics you should see a bigger picture, plus access my pics on my Picasa Web Albums.


Unknown said...

Broadband and wireless now operating in the barn.

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Way to go!! What's the speed like? I had to moderate your comment. What's changed?