Thursday, November 27, 2008

Farewells & Cheers

Last week we farewelled our very good friend Snow. It was a release for him, after years of ill health, & in particular after the last 3 months in hospital. But when the time comes for the formal goodbyes it is always hard to accept the loss. We have felt privileged to have been part of their family for over 30 years, & it did us all good to take part in the celebration of his life. His life was one of utter devotion to his family, Maureen, his four daughters & their families. Family was everything to him, so it wasn't difficult to remember all the crazy times we shared.
We went back to Tauranga a couple of days later to be with Maureen for her birthday. It could have been a sad occasion, but it turned out to be a lovely day for her. The girls arranged for us to
meet at The Cornerstone pub at the new Bethlehem Shopping Centre. It was a good choice. Lovely food, casual atmosphere & great company.

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