Monday, December 15, 2008

Emma's Graduation

The weekend before last we traveled over to Hamilton for Emma's graduation from the Sir George Seymour Travel course. It was a proud moment for her, as well as for her Whanau, when she received her Advanced Travel & Tourism Certificate. Well done Emma. The pic is of her & boyfriend Fernando, who also graduated. Our stay in Hamilton was lovely, starting from staying in the comfortable & friendly Ventura Inn, then the nice meal at an outside table at the Iguana, afterwards a taxi ride by a neat Somali driver who had no idea where the Founders Theatre was, but after listening to all our garbled theories, got us there in no time. The ceremony was pretty long, but there were many musical items from both staff & students, which made it a fun night for all. After a couple of drinks we decided to walk back to our hotel via Victoria & Hood Sts. The Scene was just getting going, & although we were tempted, we resisted going to boogie, & headed off to our comfy beds. Sighhhh! I hate getting old.
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