Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Arrived in awesome Santorini this afternoon & discovered that we wouldn't be staying in my usual 'rooms' here. Instead we are staying at George's brother Panos's place. Fantastic site looking out towards the sea, & we have had a cool swim in the lovely pool, & also tried the lovely white wine. The rest of the crew got through about 4 bottles of red wine on the ferry crossing, so no need to describe the chaos on disembarking. I had my first totally sleepless night on the trip last night, so I wasn't up to the imbibing. For those of you who know George & Dina, you'll be pleased to know that they have a gorgeous son now. Artemis is 8 months old & is a real cutey. Not sure what we'll be doing tonight, but it will be totally random as usual. We have had some fantastic meals while in Athens, most of them as a result of trusting our judgement on our evening rambles.


Unknown said...

I am so jelly of you all but happy at the same time. Enjoy the food, wine and sunshine!!!!

Get some sleep tonight mum.

Love Kerry

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Slept well. Hope it continues!

Inge Gommers said...

Food, food!!! I need greek food...13 nights sleep, I feel like a child and so looking forward to it when I read your story. Hope to see you soon and sleep wel.


Unknown said...

J9 says there are NO WORDS for Santarini so I know you are all enjoying it.

Glad you got some sleep

