Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blog updating

Well I'm going to have another go at seeing if my post updates correctly. The wet & windy weather is just perfect for mucking about with such things. Could be a welcome change from Greek grammar. Unless of course if it doesn't work! Then there's no question - I'll be forced to resort to an ouzo or two to numb my addled brain.


Maria Verivaki said...

seems like you have comment moderation on (like myself), so we can only see comments posted when we actually approve of them

ariadne is a lovely name too - one i would have chosen for my daughter had there been no traddition about naming children after grandparents!

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Yes I remembered about comment moderation after I'd posted. Trouble is I haven't blogged for ages & have got out of the habit. Use it or lose it. Facebook suits me at the moment. Too busy for anything more. Yes Ariadne is a lovely name. It suits my little enterprise where I guide people through the maze of the Greek travel experience. I haven't been deserted by any of them so far - even on Naxos!

inge gommers said...

Hi Marilyn,

Do you still have the same email address??? I think I can't reach you. Hope everything is fine and healty.

Love inge

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Hi Inge
Yes I still have same email address. Got your email yesterday & will answer it asap.