Thursday, January 7, 2010


I haven't posted anything since just after my return from my last trip to Greece in May.  Blame it on Facebook. It  does the job pretty well.  I bet many other part time & small time bloggers who have tried fb & other social media sites are doing  much the same.  I've been checking out some of these sites recently & have read so many interesting topics.  There's barely enough time in the day for me to take it all in. If I do decide to continue blogging again I might try a different blog platform, because while doing a Google check on my blog, I was astounded to came across another Ariadne's Thread. Thankfully it had nothing to do with guiding travelers through the maze of Greek travel. I understood that my blog title was unique to me.  Am I mistaken?


blessingsgoddess said...

We can never be sure our creations are totally unique.....there are just too many people out there !

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Yes, but I'm sure that when I signed up I had to choose between available alternatives.

Megan said...

There is probably something slightly different in the name - eg you have used an apostrophe, maybe the other one doesn't? I know I'm not the only 'Live by the River' - which is why I have dashes in the url for it.

Ariadne aka Marilyn said...

Yes there is such a difference, but my blog wasn't even registering in google. The latest prob is that it's not registering as updated in other people's blogs. But I've just read where others have had the same prob, & apparently you have to register as a follower of yourself!! I'm going to try it, but it was never a problem before. Anyway I don't know why I'm concerned about it - not as if I'm 'top blogger' !!